Deep in the Coral Forest
after Arno Holz
after Arno Holz
Sea, sea, sunshiny sea,
as far as you
can see.
Over the bighilly waters,
dinmaking, headtheballing, bellylaughting, carryoncamping,
pleasurebeaching, hurlyburlying, gruntslabbering,
yacketyyacking, yoohooing, through the megaphones
of their hands,
seaweedgreenhairy, scaleslipperyskinned, fishtailflippered,
swimdiveglittering, swimrisegleaming, swimplatspluttering
like mad:
a thousand tritons!
On bright
high in a seashell:
a woman!
Oh her ringdingdingalings, her wopbopaloobops,
her lollipoplips, her whollydivine
bucknakedness in the
Beneath her drooling, beneath her gabbling, beneath her
constantly approaching
the highwalled, the spangling, the technicolouredthreedimensional
slipperydippery balustrades,
dirty, fat, lecherous
like toads,
seven old, seven slimy,
seven seaplurting,
seabedbristlebearded, seaelephantfarslimy, sealionshockheaded,
Their ugly mugs!
Their pimplepopped backsnashing!
Their nightmarebreath and disastermovieodours!
Sooner than you could say
hickerydickerydock backwards,
I've leapt superherolike
from behind my
snortneighnosed, hoofthudthumping, arselapping
bighideglistening, shovelshouldered
straight into the middle of them!
Zap! Wham! Kapow!
I biffbaff and bitchslap and knuckleknock
their heads.
Oh how they
and bawlthewholewayhome!
The lady smile
and after a beguiling,
charmthepantsoffyou, manoftheworld gesture,
lackadaisically I invite her
with utmost respect
into my bigfish, my kingofthehighway,
my extravagantly
windowsparkling, amberflashing, coralbleaming,
allmodcons twoseater,
then sweep her off into my happydays,
I zoom off
with her into my leatherpaddedcomfy,
I disappear from view
with her
into my delectable, majestical, superduper, topoftherange,
my wonthelotto, most magicalhalflit,
wonderfulunderwater rotatingbedwithmirrorceilinged
purple grotto!
Alan Gillis, from Somebody, Somewhere
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